The tradition of oral storytelling has existed long before written works. Something deep and significant is conveyed through the relating of a well-crafted, well-told first person story. Many times these stories have served as a way to preserve history and explore and impact our emotions as individuals and communities. Storytelling is a powerful means of entertainment, education and cultural preservation. Coyote Tales hopes to perpetuate the art of storytelling while entertaining the listener with a unique and intimate experience.
Coyote Tales are live, open-mic style storytelling events with amateur and experienced storytellers. Each event has a theme, on which stories are to be based. Potential storytellers may address that theme in any way they choose. Prior to the event, storytellers craft their true, on-theme story, practice the telling (5 minutes or less), and work on eliminating excess detail to nail the perfect ending. When the doors open, potential storytellers put their name in the hat in hopes of being chosen to share their story. If chosen, the storyteller takes the stage to delight the audience. Stories must be true, told live, within the given time frame (5 minutes). They must be told without notes, props, or accompaniment.
It is our belief that through the telling of well-crafted stories we celebrate our diversity, our community and our experiences.
Oral story telling has a long and rich history. Today, live storytelling is experiencing a revival locally, nationally and internationally. Coyote Tales is our take on the widely popular radio program and podcast, “The Moth Radio Hour.” Original Moth events were inspired by porch storytelling parties attended by author, George Dawes Green. The concept has spawned worldwide live oral storytelling performances, a PRX radio program, numerous storytelling events across the country, and three best-selling books. This is our take on these ideas. For more information on The Moth, please check out their website @ https://www.themoth.org
Coyote Tales was started by Victoria Topham at the monthly dinner club she hosts through her business Petite Feast. The concept was inspired by “The Moth Radio Hour” and other popular radio programs like, “Snap Judgment” and “This American Life.” The dinner club event was so well received; she approached her community Arts Center to allow her to present a series of storytelling events in their new facility. It was an immediate success and it was clear, southern Utah wanted to hear true stories told live. Coyote Tales is pleased to be offering an annual series of outdoor and indoor shows at Ivins City Park and other southern Utah venues. Topham stresses that the events are intended to be about the shared connection between the teller and the audience. The stage is a no-pressure arena to celebrate our diversity, our community and our experiences. In fact, many audience members leave the events feeling like they know their neighbors a little bit better. In a world where there is some much time spent on-screen, Topham feels that these events bring the community together in a way that is often lacking in our too hectic lives. Victoria believes an individual story can become a shared experience through its telling. Through that experience we, as a community, become more connected and involved.
Kayenta Connection Newsletter, Published May 2018
Click to view Press Kit Photos
Watch: Coyote Tales Outdoor Event. Storyteller: Robert Perkins
All photos provided by Alan Holben Photography and George Kalantzes Photography
Additional photos available upon request
Please visit our Story Archives for audio from past events.
Victoria Topham
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